
All posts tagged gaiam

Daily Dose

Published January 10, 2013 by tabbimarie13

Good evening interweb! It is about that time to place events into words and words into stories again. It has become one of my favorite down times as of late.
As I sit here with a cup of delish homemade cherry chocolate mocha, relax and let my memory flood back, I can not help but smile. I follow some very inspiring people on here, each with a different and each making the utmost best of each situation they are dealt. How can I not smile?! Aside from the blog world, I have an amazing family and that small handful of friends. I have my days where I feel as though I am alone, who doesn’t? I have my “I need REAL friends days, again who doesn’t? What I do have is more than enough for me. I am happy. I am grateful. I am loved. I am content. I am blessed.
Each person shares a story, whether they know it or not. Each story can help start a new story from a new person. With this being said, I have joined the “23 Days of Kindness.” When I say I, the divas are included.
We began yesterday with making some homemade envelopes and filling them with kind words, and treats. To our friends and family who have moved out of state we sent each a packet of tea/instant coffee and the ones with kids got tattoos and color sheets. The letters should arrive by Friday and no ones they were sent out 😀 A good old fashion penpal style letter will cheer anyone up!
This is only step one. We picked up supplies to make Valentines cards for our local nursing home, yarn to donate as well, I’m putting together bags of blankets/food/treats for the local animal shelters, crocheting hats for the nursey at the hospital, I also found a site to send hats to kids with cancer, I set aside gently used clothes and toys for the salvation army, stuffed animals for the fire dept and books for the library! This is just the beginning for us. Kae is so excited to do this that I know we will make this a weekly habit! I am so glad I have such an amazing 5 year old

Aside from this, I ordered Kae a kids yoga DVD! When she got it she instantly asked to put it in. I put together a collage of her at one with the mat for you guys. My child is a hippie at heart!


Adorable right?! I also caught Pae getting into my stickers…


A perfect model for the NoH8 campaigns! Love is well, love.

Wishing everyone an amazing evening and a peaceful night. Xoxo

P.S this made me miss the days of having a penpal, maybe I’ll put out a Wanted add. ❤